Mayor’s Message
May 4th, 2012Hello everyone,
Our Village Water Project is near complete but many other tasks are yet to begin. I wish to explore mitigation processes surrounding the Brook Street flooding during heavy downpours. This conversation will begin during our next Village Board Meeting Tuesday evening, May 8th
Solutions do not happen quickly but if we do not begin the plan; we only have lack of motivation to blame. I do not know the correct moves forward, yet; but with input and guidance from those who wish to see improvements to our community; we will create a safer community.
Take care,
Jim Tornatore
Mayor, Newark Valley Village
Leon and I spoke about this issue and the urgency/need. Prior to next Tuesday’s meeting, we will stop by the site and investigate the situation. I can give you my thoughts at the meeting..
Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, P.C.
We have had various conversations with Tioga County Economic Development, Soil and Water, Municipal Solutions and the Village Rate Committee concerning Brook Street and the constant flood issues impacting those residents.
Mary is listing below some possible specific funding sources. Leon Welsh from Hunt Engineering attended the rate committee meeting and listened to comments by the rate committee.
We will place this under work in progress and go from there. I will speak to this briefly at next weeks’ board meeting.
Jim Tornatore
Mayor, Newark Valley Village
Per our discussion of the potential flood mitigation on Brook Street:
It is my understanding that Tioga County will be allotted funds from HUD (actually Office of Community Renewal, New York’s agency to administer HUD money) for flood mitigation. While the Village was not listed specifically in the County’s list of flood mitigation needs, it was included by intent. It would be a good idea to pursue this funding for Brook Street. You will be required to put in some sort of application for these funds, however, I do not know what the process or application will look like yet since the application is still being developed. This project could also get funding from either Rural Development and/or the Drinking Water State Revolving (DWSRF) Fund. Since you do not know the extent to which you could get HUD money, it may take funds from RD & /or SRF to complete the project.
I would suggest that you pursue putting the project on the DWSRF Intended Use Plan (IUP) for 2012-13 which will be finalized by 10/1/12. The IUP is a list of projects that are looking for DWSRF funds to complete their project for the 2012-13. Putting your project on the IUP gives you the opportunity to see how your project scores against other projects. It does not obligate you to complete the project or to continue with SRF financing. Rather it gives you the flexibility to see if SRF funding would be viable for your project. The information needed to be placed on the IUP is pretty basic – a cost estimate and a description of the project including a map of the location. A project cannot proceed to funding with SRF without a preliminary engineering report, so one will eventually be needed if funding is going to be pursued.
RD does have money for water projects as well. They seem to be past the ARRA scare of no more $$$. It may be worthwhile to pursue RD funding once the project scope is more defined. It is the same process as before- pre-application, RD invite for a full application & then full application. A preliminary engineering report would be needed for this funding and RD has a guide as to what needs to go in to it. Hunt, and most other engineers who do municipal work, are quite familiar with the information RD needs in the report.
If you have questions, or need more info, please call me.
Municipal Solutions