Upon entering the Trout Ponds Park, the beginning of the Fitness Trail is just to your right. There is a full map that gives you an idea of the trail layout, explains the trail markers and where each fitness station is.
Station #1 is a Stretching and Warm-up station. Its always a good idea to stretch out your joints and warm up your muscle prior to any type of physical activity to help prevent injury and muscle fatigue.
Station #2 is a set of Pull-up Bars. The station placard gives a great explanation of how to perform a pull-up and a chin-up and the associated muscle groups that each exercise works.
Station #3 is a combo station giving you the option of Push-ups or Sit-ups and all the many variations that can be completed as well.
Station #4 brings you to a set of Parallel Bars which can facilitate a grand medley of exercises, and stretching possibilities for both your upper body and lower body.
Station #5 brings you so close to the end of your loop you can see it! But don’t skip this one, balance is one of the keys to a long active life. This Balance Beam may look simple being so close to the ground but take a look at the placard and you may find yourself surprised how challenging you can make it!
Congratulations! You made it through all 5 stations and the full mile loop! Now go take a cool down, enjoy the scenery and the serenity of the Trout Ponds and we hope you’ll come back for another loop soon!