Note to Residents
March 21st, 2020
The Village of Newark Valley would like to assure our residents that we are taking the current situation we all find ourselves in very seriously. We plan to continue to abide by any and all executive orders that are issued by our Governor while still maintaining Village services and availability as best as we can under those orders.
If you require assistance from the Village Office staff please contact us via email, or call 607-642-8686 and leave a message and we will do our best to make arrangements and assist you as best as we always have.
Maintenance of your water system continues and will always continue without interruption.
Garbage collection will take place on Monday as usual. We ask that residents please bear with us and be patient with our DPW staff as collection may take longer than usual due to increased amounts of solid waste to be collected.
In closing we ask that our residents continue to be the warm, kind and caring people that we know you to be. Look out for each other, check in on one another, look after the elderly in your lives, engage with your children that are home. Follow the safety directives and continue with social distancing and only going out if you really need to. This time is very trying for many and leave many with unforeseen futures, we have no certainty as to how long this will last but we will, in the end persevere.
To our residents and local business that have been deemed essential and are working the front lines of providing essential services to our community, we thank you, we thank you for going above and beyond and we thank you for putting your community ahead of yourselves.