NYSDOT Public Comment
December 6th, 2016NYSDOT is seeking public comment regarding the potential effects of the project on the Village Green and the butterfly garden. Copies of the Draft Design Report, as well as a Section 4(f) concurrence letter approved by the Village Board are available for review. The project will replace the existing span-wire configuration with four mast-arm poles, to be located on each corner. This design will conform with current safety standards for signals. The project will also include the installation of new pedestrian signal poles and improved sidewalks at the corners of the intersection. As a result of the work, a small portion of the Village Green and the butterfly garden located on the southwest corner will be acquired permanently by NYSDOT in order to maintain the new signal poles. This work is not expected to affect the public’s use or enjoyment of the park. The new mast-arm style poles will fit in with the historic elements of the Village.
The comment period ends December 23. Please send your comments to Brian Doak, Project Manager, who can be reached by telephone at (607) 721-8225; or by mail at 44 Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY 13901.
Comment forms are available in the attachment below or in the Village office.